Liberty Landscape Supply

Cassia Tree

Senna bicapsularis Commonly Known as “Cassia” or “Senna”or “Butterfly Bush”

Cassia floribunda

This bright colored yellow is sure to catch your eye during the Fall when other plants enter dormancy. It tolerates most soils but is best grown in dry conditions (after establishment) with full sun. Allow plenty of room for this beauty as she can grow in to a small tree reaching heights of 8-12 feet and up to 6-10 feet around.
Be sure not to confuse it with it’s invasive variety, Senna pendula var. glabrata.

This plant will freeze during the winter and grow back in spring in zones 9-11. Prune for shape or to remove and winter damaged branches after the last freeze of the season. Staking may be required as blooms add excessive weight to branches. In general, this plant is low maintenance and a hit for beginners looking for a flowering tree.

-Vanneza R. Stubbs

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