Liberty Landscape Supply

Color Tips

Choosing colors for your yard should be easy… start with the colors you like! There are no right and wrong answers. However, try some of these tried and true color schemes to ensure beauty and harmony in your yard.

The Monochromatic color scheme is most frequently seen using whites. It can be done using your favorite color such as red, or yellow. You can create contrast by using different size, variegation, textures, and hues in foliage.

The Complimentary color scheme is achieved by using colors on opposite sides of the color wheel. For example, blue and orange, purple and yellow, & green and red. Try using different hues of one color to create a harmonious contrast in your yard that will be sure to catch the attention of your neighbors and local pollinators!

Analogous color schemes may be the easiest to execute because there little room for misstep. Gardens can be drawn from anywhere on the color wheel so you may create a nice warm feeling yard by using reds yellow and oranges, or a cool effect when blues and purples are combined.

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