Resource Center



    1. Remove Old Sod2. Spread Milorganite Over Soil Mixing Milorganite (10lb available for purchase) can help establish the lawn faster and yield a lush lawn. Follow directions on the label for...

    Mike Zaffaroni |

  • 6 Tips for Indoor Plant Care

    6 Tips for Indoor Plant Care

    GET A WATER TRAY WITH WHEELS. If you plan on having a large potted plant, you absolutely need a water tray with wheels. Ideally, you want it in a spot...

    Mike Zaffaroni |

  • Young Citrus Tree Care

    If you just purchased a young citrus tree, then this article is for you! [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="227"] Young Citrus[/caption] We found this incredibly helpful article published by the University...

    Mike Zaffaroni |

  • Why you Should NOT Fertilize in Winter

    We understand Florida winters can be pretty mild at times and will vary year to year. On the warm days you feel like wearing flip flops and short sleeve shirts,...

    Mike Zaffaroni |

  • Winter Preparations

    There is nothing worse than your tender perennials and tropical plants freezing beyond revival. You worked so hard to get them into the ground and you want to increase their...

    Mike Zaffaroni |

  • Cassia Tree

    Cassia Tree

    Senna bicapsularis Commonly Known as “Cassia” or “Senna”or “Butterfly Bush” [caption id="attachment_2619" align="alignnone" width="300"] Cassia floribunda[/caption] This bright colored yellow is sure to catch your eye during the Fall when...

    Mike Zaffaroni |

  • Fall Guide to Ornamental Grasses

    Ornamental grasses are a sure thing for Fall interest. In this article we'll cover a variety of grasses and when to cut back for next year’s plumes. Some of our...

    Mike Zaffaroni |

  • Protecting your Citrus and Fruit Trees

    You may have heard of this saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of Cure.” This is very true when pertaining to gardening. Any time after Labor Day...

    Bethany Weiland |

  • September is Time to Plan

    Leaves are changing. Your grass isn’t growing as fast anymore.The growing season is winding down. Its time to start preparing your yard and garden for fall. Here in north Florida,...

    Bethany Weiland |

  • Summer Issues

    Summer Issues

    During the summer months, a lot of the landscape tends to look sub-par. The extreme heat can cause yellowing or browning of foliage, consistent rain can cause fungal infections, and...

    Bethany Weiland |

  • Monarch Butterflies

    Want to attract Monarchs and other pollinators to your yard? Click the link below to learn what to plant as a food source for these beautiful butterflies! Read More

    Bethany Weiland |

  • April Newsletter

    April Newsletter

    Now is a great time to sow your seeds, propagate cuttings or transplant over grown plants. Morning or evening time is the best time to avoid over stressing the plant....

    Bethany Weiland |