Tips on Fertilizing Your Yard

Tips on Fertilizing Your Yard

Bethany Weiland |

  • Use the right fertilizer. Many plants (especially palms) benefit from having the correct blend of nutrients & micro-nutrients. A blend high in nitrogen might cause your plant to have beautiful green bushy growth, but may not help with blooms and fruiting if that is what you are looking to encourage.
    • Quick tip! How the numbers effect plants here.
  • Know when to apply. We recommend fertilizing three times a year, March June and September.
  • Use the correct amount. *When it comes to fertilizer, more is not better.* You can overload the plant and cause it to go into shock which will negatively effect it's look and growth.
  • Respect wildlife. No fertilizer should be applied within 10 ft of a wetland, water body, or sea wall. The chemicals can have negative effects to the critters nearby.
  • Try composting. Some of the best fertilizer you can use comes from your own household! Add things like banana peels, coffee grounds, potato skins, and more to a dirt pile in the backyard to start a compost pile.
  • Slow release or water soluble? Slow release fertilizers benefit your plant for a longer period of time. Water soluble or fast acting fertilizers may give your plants a quick burst of energy, but need to be applied more frequently.
  • Have more questions on fertilization? Ask your local sales associate!