What to do in February

What to do in February

Bethany Weiland |

Give cold damaged plants proper care to ensure their survival and success. February is unpredictable. Normally we are clear of freezes and cold weather after February 15th, but just incase - leave damaged plants alone. Trim back damaged material once warm weather is consistently on the horizon. Plant cool weather tolerant color such as Petunias, Dusty Miller, Violas, Dianthus, and Pansies. It is still a great time to plant trees or shrubs in the landscape. By planting now, materials will get established quicker and require less water. Typically foliage production is slower this time of year, while the roots are still growing. Cut back ornamental grasses if you have not already. Grasses like Red Fountain Grass should be cut down to about 6" from the ground in late winter/ early spring.