Sustainable Plantings

Yards that are low maintenance, drought tolerant, and with minimal turf grass are becoming more prominent. We are here for it! By planting natives in your yard, you will have more time on your hands and more money in your pocket! Try sun loving perennials like Gaillardia (pictured above), Dune Sunflower, Blue Daze, or Lantana.
Edible Landscaping

Growing your own food is fun, satisfying, and adds interest to the yard! With fragrant citrus trees, brightly colored Cabbage leaves, drought tolerant Rosemary, and plants with texture such as Pineapple plants - you are sure to have a unique and fresh landscape.

2021 is bringing in a large want for natural stones, rock, and wood in the landscaping. Try adding a flagstone pad or boulder for interest in the yard.
Expand your Livable Space

With COVID changing how we visit with our family, friends, & loved ones - we are seeing a big want for taking some of your living space outside.
Pollination & Wildlife

Adding plants that bring in pollinators, butterflies, and birds has become very popular. With rapid development occurring all over, this is needed! It is becoming more common to own bees and chickens as well.